Maru is an inclusive dance factiliator, a postmodern dancer in improvisation and contact improvisation, a live performance artist and a dancing sketcher. Maru explores in different art media such as drawing, writing, theatre, dance, happenings, performance art and installation art. Maru joined Nancy Stark Smith’s January Workshop in 2016 and 2018, and as a member of the 2018 Long Dance. In 2005, Maru encountered the DanceAbility Method with Alito Alessi. In 2007, Maru began to develop the symbiotic dance based on the DanceAbility Method. From 2009 to 2018, Maru was the artistic director of the Symbiotic Dance Troupe in Hong Kong. In 2012, Maru got the DanceAbility Teacher Certification in Bogota, Columbia.
In 2015, Maru fixed the “Symbiotic Score” which based on DanceAbility Method and inspired by the Underscore. In 2017, Maru got the ContaKids Teacher Certification in Italy. In 2018-2021, Maru was the artistic director of the Mistakable Symbiotic Dance Troupe in Guangzhou and later on as the artistic Advisor. In 2021, Maru started to organize the “CI jam for ALL” in Guangzhou. Maru also research on “CI on the grassland”, “CI dates” and “CI as stall setting” under the name”Dancing and Drawing with Maru”. Maru also make “kinesthetic sketches” of various performances and dancing. Maru’s drawing was published in Contact Quarterly and also won the first prize for T-shirt graphic design at the Freiburg Contact Improvisation Festival in Germany.