Improvisation, Contact & Creation
Workshop 13
“Mimi LO’s CI Fundamentals – The CI8 Steps”
Mimi LO
Contact Improvisation (CI) is a form of dance that originated in the 1970s, developed by Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith, and others. The core concept of this dance is based on physical contact and improvisational interaction between participants, emphasizing body awareness, weight, balance, and fluidity of movement. The ultimate holistic concept of this dance form is ” Mutuality ” . This refers to the interaction between dancers in CI, which is built on mutual respect, listening, and responsiveness. Each movement is not one-sided but a result of mutual participation and creation. This mutuality may involve balance of power, adaptability of movement, and sensitivity to partners. In short, the ultimate concept of CI may be a sense of interrelatedness and cooperation achieved through physical contact and improvisational interaction. This dance is not only an artistic expression but also a way to explore interpersonal relationships and social interaction. Through the language of the body, dancers co-create a fluid, dynamic, and interdependent dance experience. This workshop is led by Mimi LO, a representative facilitator of Contact Improvisation in Hong Kong, who guides participants to explore the foundations of CI through the “CI8 Steps.”