舞蹈、多媒體與即興研習 主持: 馬才和 及 其他研習藝術家
黎美光 (台灣) 鄭聿倩 (台灣) 余巧兒 YU (香港) 馬才和 (香港) 勝部知子 (日本) 鹿島聖子 (日本) 嚴明然 (香港) Christine HE (德國)
Local and overseas artists spend days on artistic exchange and exploring dance improvisation, senses, body, movement and the relationship between individuals and groups. Engaging in different art forms, participants will be able to broaden their horizons and inspire each other in discussions and interactions. The Research Week welcomes dancers who have received relevant training. Please contact Y-Space for registration.