A Hong Kong born and based pluralistic creative performer , which more active in or passionate on Butoh dance for all inclusive, community , festival , exchange, disable/handicape , parent-child or elderly engaged , site-specific projects, but in occasionally Vinci still have her fun try on mime, theatre, contact dance improvisation, vocal improvisation whatever that make her Art life stay with enjoyment and colour.
Previously, Vinci worked as an editor, journalist ,critic writer for various press media ,and then film art director or fashion stylish after she quited her study of Performing Art Academy . But she finally chose to be back on stage and slowly rebuild her dream since 2005.
And now as most recently, Vinci make Reiki/Gong or singing bowls sound bath healing/mindfulness or Prayana Jagariti Yoga teaching as another dimension to explore her art life,but she still keep her first piority working hard as an Art Drifter in diversity with her Eurasia teaching and creative performance for theatre, dance, performance art and physical art,and for sure she still love to dig deep to her Butoh Dance as her core project /business in life with same passion,same concentration and same power from her breathe, voice ,or even her masks, puppets or gongs .
Vinci has made her study for Drama(HK Academy For Performing Arts) in late 90s, and she keep her practice for stage performance til now whenever she feel interest or indeed with more than 30 different masters or experienced artists from the fields of dance /theatre /performance art in various traditional or alternative style .Since Vinci falling in love with Butoh dance from the first moment in the library at the art academy she studied,she keep trying to look for more references and opportunities for learning with more different body characters and more different Butoh artists that come from Japan ,Malaysia ,Brazil ,Spain and Germany, but those mentors who truely make her get enlightened with more fruitful inspiration through their master cast Butoh teaching/choreography or the collaboration for performanced in different scale /festivals for different purpose are Yumiko Yoshioka, Waguri Yukio, and Katsura Kan, Atsushi Takenourchi . And Vinci always feel blessing that she can rediscovered or reconstructed her connection deeply with her mind and body by Lin Yen-Chen from the world well known Legend Lin Dance Theatre (Taiwan), and the late Indonesian mask dance master Bambang Besur Suryono. In particular,Vinci has been invited to be one of the members of the Physical Poetry Butoh Dance Company which found and leading by Mushimaru Fujieda in Japan .
Vinci has her big admire and same artistic belief for how the Butoh Pioneer Hijikata Tatsumi create his work with his great concern about the people, society, and the land, she recently hopes to pursue her Butoh out of the box in her rest of life as well as Hijikata’s unconventional Butoh.
After Vinci made her promise totally returns to the stage, Vinci more enjoy to be a drifting dancer and make her work get inspire by different landscapes , histories , culture or memories from different smell of the land ,she keep being invited to Europe and Asia for touring performances, collaborations on big stages and site-specific projects for Butoh , performance art or theatre , teaching, or art festivals for more than 18 countries 32 cities (Korea- Seoul, Jeju; Japan- Tokyo, Kyoto, ,Osaka, Yokohama; Taiwan- Taipei, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Hualien, Orchid Island, Taitung ; Thailand- Bangkok; Malaysia- Kuala Lumpur; India- Bangalore; Indonesia- Bandung, Pelem, Yogkarta ;Bangladesh; Nepal; Germany-Frankfurt, Cologne; Austria; East Europe – Czech, Budapest, Slovakia, Ostrava, Burno ; Macao, China- Beijing, Guangzhou).
• Vinci also act to be the guest lecturer in various universities, performing arts academy, primary and secondary schools, and barrier-free institutions, Parkinson patients association in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Southeast Asia, and she now trying to apply more different new elements such as Reiki, five senses, sound therapy, resonance ,Taichi or tea meditation to make her performance and teaching more deep connect with the inner self.
She was the chairlady and the core in performing team of We Draman Mime Group during 1993-1995 .She was also the committee member and actress of an independent drama group called RED CALF during 1992-1994. And She was the chairlady but also the core dancer of a contemporary dance group in variety called Y-Space Dance II during 2005-2006.
From 2008 to 2009, Vinci initiated a regular crossover street art jamming event with ART WAVE team members and performance artist, poet, dancer, painter, musician, installation artist who are from local or passing by Hong Kong.
In 2010, with her general line up and connection of different local and foreign artists from different art field, Vinci started an art organization whichits goal is aiming to promote physical art with no-boundaries, no-status, no-discrimination, no-fashion called “Moving Arts。Hong Kong “. Up to now, as the ARTIST DIRECTOR and CHAIRLADY of Moving Arts。Hong Kong, she have already organized many underground site-specific art festivals, master technique classes and environmental body workshops with good feedback & reputation. In these few years, Vinci prepared to make her art project focusing more deeply on identity / history / memory / culture / humanity / community, and more open to the general public which does not happen only on official and formal stage.
In 2019, Vinci reactive Mrityusaiya Butoh with her role as its ARTISTIC DIRECTOR especially with her students in Taiwan for more promotion and further development of her believe and style of Butoh.
In 2022, Vinci confirmed to start up a group called The Hurtling Calves Butoh Dance Theatre during covid period with the bad social condition and atmosphere in Hong Kong. She wants the power from both the Youth and Elderly different bodies in different abilities can be joined together for more strong impressive creative performance without boundaries and disconnected gap.The Hurtling Calves Butoh Dance Theatre already made one full length and few short dance choreography pieces with the team in official black box theatre or private studio beside their regular environmental Butoh training at independent bookstore or beach,park,public space etc. The Hurtling Calves Butoh Dance Theatre will target to have more collaboration with disables or all ages for a new beyond darkness Butoh world in soon future.
ig @vinci_mok