Artist, Hong Kong, Music

Wilson TSANG

  • August 29, 2016

WilsonTsangProtraitVisual artist, graphic designer and an inde­pen­dent song writer. He has worked with dif­fer­ent local artists in var­i­ous dis­ci­plines such as exhi­bi­tions, the­atres and con­certs. Funded by HKADC in 1996, Wil­son pub­lished his first work TWELVE TALES which show­cased his illus­tra­tions and short sto­ries. The main influ­ence of Wilson’s music includes jazz, folk, clas­si­cal and ambi­ent.

Apart from CDs, his music also appear in other media such as ani­ma­tion (LONELY MOON and VERY FAN­TAS­TIC by Stella So), the­atre (END­ING THE WORLD by Andy Ng for the 2006 HK Arts Fes­ti­val) and film (THIS DAR­LING LIFE directed by ANGELINA CHEN). At the end of 2005, Wil­son was on tour as a live per­former for 333 DANTE(a 3-part pro­duc­tion col­lab­o­rated among Taipei, Hong Kong and Japan­ese the­atri­cal groups). In early 2010, Wil­son was invited to exhibit parts of his lat­est paint­ings in INDEXG, Toronto.

Wil­son has pub­lished a total of 4 solo CDs: STUCK IN TRAF­FIC (2003), LIT­TLE COLD RED (2005), NIGHT SUITE (2006) and WHALE SONG(2008).